The majority of the Network’s membership is made up of local authorities, but members are also drawn from landlords’ and tenants’ groups, academic institutions, private consultants, central government officers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, charitable and professional groups, letting and managing agents and so the list goes on. Essentially, anyone who has an interest in HMOs can join, although additional criteria apply to members of our Steering Group.
Membership is open to organisations and individuals who share the aims of the Network.
Each member organisation appoints one person as a named contact for the Network’s database. Their role is to disseminate information from the Network and conference hosts to colleagues within their organisation. The named contact also acts as the voting representative of the member organisation at Network AGMs.
There is no fee for membership, but any member wishing to attend conferences will need to pay the relevant delegate fee.
You will then receive invitations to conferences and be kept up to date with any special requests or activities.